Conjunctivitis Outbreak – Prayer Needed


Among the many recent challenges with life in Mozambique, recently conjunctivitis (pink eye) has been spreading like wildfire throughout Mozambique. It started in the northern provinces a few months ago, and it has now reached Beira. In one weekend, Melanie Center 1 went from having one child having conjunctivitis last Friday, to more than 25 catching this very contagious virus. We are currently working on getting a medical team that visits us monthly to come to help diagnose and treat our kiddos.

Please Join us in prayer that our children will get the medical treatment they need for this very uncomfortable infection. the hospitals and clinics are currently packed with these cases, so getting a medical team to come to us will be a huge blessing.

Update 3.13.2024

Today we had the blessing of having the medical team come to the Melanie Center 1instead of us having to transport everyone to them. This was a HUGE blessing!!! They found 16 children had conjunctivitis that required medical treatment. We now have 16 prescriptions to fill at the pharmacy. Praise God for our generous donors to our Medical Fund. Thank you all!